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The business of buying or selling a business at fair market value requires extensive experience and a skilled
team of professionals who are dedicated to saving you time and money.

"The Bellington Group is committed to the successful acquisition or sale of your business by providing skilled hands-on management, targeted strategies and professional alliances with complete confidentiality."

The Bellington Group is a results oriented organization that understands values and operates with the utmost integrity and confidentiality.

Our national affiliation with Business Brokers Network® (BBN), the largest business brokerage in North America with over 450 affiliate associates, gives us a national presence and allows The Bellington Group to effectively sell or buy a business on your behalf to hundreds of interested, pre-qualified individuals and companies.

The Bellington Group has established a niche serving all of Southern California from San Diego to Santa Barbara. We represent you as your intermediary, facilitating the transfer process between the buyer and the seller in a timely manner.

We provide third party valuations and work with knowledgeable attorneys, CPAs and financial planners.

The Bellington Group wants to be a part of your business transfer team. This includes planning for a future sale or acquisition during the next few years. Our guidance through the buy-sell process can save business owners and buyers money by helping them avoid costly mistakes.


Contact The Bellington Group

Call : 805.890.9800

or email: Michael@TheBellingtonGroup.com

For Your Free, No-Obligation Consultation